
there's always a wind-up

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Western Words

- Western words, however, are

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German carp, European carp. More

- and wise men of the West, who had

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a publication in the field of Reference

- and educational resource

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Species of Western New York Other

the web and read reviews - Only few

mountains - Fish Species of Western New

Googlepoem Compiled 5/3/2005 1:26:16 AM GMT

Play With Food, Pt. 2

 Sometimes it's interesting to abstract food shapes into places you've been. For example, this is the mudflats along the Wisconsin River c.1965. I picked up a piece of driftwood shaped like a saxophone, although I'm not sure I'd ever seen a saxophone. Maybe a caricature on a cartoon. Anyway, I had this piece of driftwood. It curved around like an elephant tusk, or bull's horn. That's it. It looked more like a longhorn than a saxophone. Anyway, I carried it home and kept it for who knows how many years. For all I know it's still there somewhere amid the junk, the detritus of childhood. I wonder how it got that shape.

Things To Do With Food/When You're Tired

Take out that pack of Spring Roll Pastries you've had in the freezer since last summer. Let it thaw, and peel one of the layers off. Put it on the griddle until it starts to warp in the heat. Put it on the scanner, close the lid, and save the image. Note that the image is much reduced when it arrives at Blogger. Note that the much-reduced picture is not nearly as interesting as detailed portions of the full scan. Think about uploading the original scan to your Flickr account.