
there's always a wind-up

Saturday, January 01, 2005

So Good


The photos here are so good that I had to include one, and a link.

The Moment of Transition


and customs of New Year's Day

Year Resolution. NewsForge: A Decisive

browser's market share growth curve may

and more. Click Here. new year's eve

to Viewers Online. Exclusive

New Year Resolution. NewsForge: A Decisive

with money. The Australian doctors have

more. Click Here. new year's eve

Celebration to Viewers Online. Exclusive

New Year - Holiday activities - learn

with money. The Australian doctors have

2004: How'd We Do? Submitted At the turn

clamor at the markets selling colorful

New Year. - NEW YEAR'S, Select

Compiled 1/1/2005 3:14:30 AM GMT

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

bridge oil swing tune



swish risk with bridge mince inch

was born, music when you spake, Through

of the - Malkmus & The Jicks - Witch

morning when we sing a hymn she flips through

when we sing a hymn she flips through

unity - "One Song, one Bridge of

the monks, chanting a solemn hymn, Draw nigh

Rain In Summer To a Child The Occultation of

full poem); Concord Hymn - A poem of

unity - "One Song, one Bridge of Fire

Decline & Fall of

MD3-167 CD#1 1 6:00 Howard Shore

over the bridge. ƒO giant 6 causes

Hymn of the - of them belches


which bridge the Atlantic Dave wiped

Road, Leyton - The title Midnight

You can't swing an extinguished

bridge with a A small amount of light

(for deep line reaches the same height

of oil. Swing picup, swing trap doors

that comes closest to a classic Midnight

be gapped to try and reduce swing, but yours

are in full swing. cassette players

secondary oil containment or

401 E. MAIN ST., COTTAGE GROVE - Partners

Block Oil Harbor Freight - I think

Use either a light sewing machine oil or

can't swing an extinguished censor

So good it's worth two hits.

No points for guessing what prompted this...

bog lily war choir

Lily's photolog

lily ponds I think First Church might

guests, choir, color guard

Bog did have made in 1969--the height

War, Humanitarian Crises inc~ses~in

War of the Township weather Webbs Mills

- blue ribbon blues rock board rule

various Water Lily Acoustics

her friends are not the only people

lay the conversation with which the table

Honoré de Balzac Translated by Katharine

there in front of maybe 150 people

lieu life lift like lily limb lime wane

bloody war!" says the on Boyne's red
bid big bin bit bob bog boo bow lied

This one gets an image found by searching on the same keywords as the poem. First I seached Fagan Finder, then, where I found two dead links and this.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Three Women Their Oyster

three women continued on their way and

rednecks this side of twelfth-century

flag-football team, Three Clams and

wide as an interstate in 19th-century

by people trying to limit their dietary

menopause involve twins - about once

In most cases, women found the suppository

that the world will be their oyster once

themselves understand their practice

solid shot flying past them, the three

abused women and their children. the Choice

once they Nathan went from having three

three women continued on their way

like - Fabulous Lilith Women, May

Compiled 12/28/2004 2:07:09 PM GMT
Get A Google Poem: by Leevi Lehto

This Googlepoem works because I found four words whose combination effected a Google result of some coherence.
I didn't find the words, but generated them through the random band name generator page, then plugged one of the results into GooglePoem. So the entire process could be automated. Wouldn't it be nice to have a daily Googlepoem?