
there's always a wind-up

Sunday, September 12, 2004

One of the advantages of living in Birmingham is the opportunity to buy rotting fruit at really cheap prices. This suits my budget so I do it pretty much every week. A dozen avocadoes for £1, 80% of which turn out to be brownish-green mush inside a black husk. 3 pounds of tomatoes for 50p, most of which are just fine. 10 peaches for £1, some of which are good and juicy, others of which are rock-hard and will rot before they ripen, and some that are either dry or mealy. A carton of jalapenos for £1, all of which get microwaved and frozen. 10 fresh figs for £1, one of which was under-ripe, mealy and flavourless, two more look and smell funny, and three of which - so far - have been delicious. Posted by Hello


  • At 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    why IS it that some fruit will rot before it ripens? I never understood the leap from one state to the next- with complete disregard for the usual progression of things. maybe some things in nature are just anarchic, even fruit.
    I'm liking the new look to this place, the fig photo looks particularly luscious framed by the sparkling colors.


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