
there's always a wind-up

Friday, September 24, 2004

The Heat Is On

 Literally. The temperature is 16C outside, and 17C inside. That's about 60F in both cases. My fingers are feeling the chill, so the gas heater is on for the first time since... April? May?

 I wonder if anyone in Ketchikan has just turned a heater on. I'll bet they have, since the reported high was 15C. So it's warmer here than in our sister city on the eastern edge of the Pacific. Some comfort, that.


  • At 9:30 PM, Blogger k said…

    I love checking your blog everyday for the new templates as much as for your words. I quite like this one, by the way.

    Had I known you'd be facing such a chill, I'd have sent you a package filled with the sweaters we will most certainly not need here in the desert. It's in the mid-nineties today, and although the evenings are quite cool, I don't suspect we'll see much of a cool down in the daytime for some months yet. Enjoy it! As I like to point out: you can always bundle up when it's chilly, but if it's heat you're faced with you can only get so naked!

  • At 9:45 PM, Blogger d3 said…

    Let's have one o' them sweaters! International CARE packages welcome here! Not so much for their heat-retaining qualities as the thought that goes with them, and the prospect that they might be Better Looking than anything I can get here! (More comfy, nicer materials, & so on).

    Actually, I'm a season late in terms of the best garments to get from teh States. Summer clothes here are soooo lame. I have better summer jackets and shirts from 2nd-hand shops in Berkeley 15 years ago than anything I've seen here.

    Aside from that, it's nice that you come back to look at the layout. More comments please!

  • At 9:50 PM, Blogger d3 said…

    Oh, and as regards adding layers vs. taking them off, I used to think that way when I worked outdoors year round. Definitely easier to do hard labor in cold weather. But if one is doing soft labor (i.e. paperwork, writing, sitting in one place), it's pretty easy to beat the heat, and very difficult to keep one's mind focused if one's hands and joints are numb from cold.

  • At 10:50 PM, Blogger shannon said…

    Kerri lead me to you, or I should say your comment you made on her blog lead me to you...

    We have fought turning the heater on ourselves and are now glad we haven't. It's gotten back into the 70's F here in Oregon and that just isn't heat worthy. We even slept with the window slightly ajar last night. Cool nights and warm days, perfection.

    Shannon (


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