
there's always a wind-up

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Do You Believe In Magic?

 I am supposed to be getting ready for a meeting tomorrow. Must decide what I need to take with me and prepare it, and do the relevant errands. Instead, I'm getting comfy here with the blog client, and presuming that there will be time for everything later. The question is, am I making a mistake in judgement? Can I afford to do this now, or should I be making sure all else is tended to first?

 Ever the one to 'live in the moment', 'seize the day', and 'enjoy life while I can', I am opting for indulgence before toil. Yes, that's right. Not for nothing did I establish the Verge Club, and assign the motto 'Dessert First!". After all, who is going to work for an unidentified, incomprehensible reward? I want at least a taste before I commit myself to the task. I'm willing to work for pie in the sky - but only because I know what pie can be. I wouldn't bother to work for something I'd never tried and could barely imagine

 Maybe that's why I am loathe to take up with religion, magic, mysticism and romanticism. Maybe that's the difference between a pagan mind and a civilised one: the pagans are all Missouri skeptics wanting immediate, tangible evidence, while the civils are Mississippi gamblers, willing to commit themselves to intangible abstractions on the basis of not much at all. In that case, St. Louis could be an interesting city.

 With that in mind, let's go to the confluence of the two rivers, and see what someone says about the place:
This area played a key role in the westward expansion of the United States. Soon, visitors will be able to dip one foot in the Missouri, one in the Mississippi, and look out and feel the history of America between their toes".
 Is that an interaction of the tangible and abstract? How so?


  • At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    there's *always* the interaction between the tangible and the abstract-continuously,..wherever one looks for evidence of it - there it is.
    explorers go to undiscovered lands based on their abstract vision of a better life or - in modern times- to climb a mountain or kayak a river as yet unconquered---coupled with the tangible reality that undiscovered places do in fact exist on the planet.
    People who eat their dessert first have the tangible delight of sugar while thumbing their nose at the abstract notion that a balanced meal must always be eaten first.
    Romantics remember having been in the embrace of love -tangibly- and willingly interface with love as it arrives, even in the abstract, thereby dipping their toes into two converging rivers-
    So, there's always a river to cross, and always a delta to experience somewhere along the line.


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